Wednesday 30 April 2014

Gossip Girl

I know, I'm really late get into this, but now I'm hooked.

I was in the local second hand entertainment shop last week and came across the first season of Gossip Girl for £3.59 - so I though it was well worth a go...and I was right.

If you'e never seen it, it's an American drama about privileged kids in New York and what they get up to - no more, no less. The actors won't win Oscars and the plot is pretty obvious but they're a bitchy bunch of characters in pretty dresses - exactly what you need for an hour after work don't you think? My new guilty pleasure!

Picture from Entertainment Weekly

Monday 28 April 2014

Summer shoes

Hello everyone!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend, shame it's Monday already ay?

I had a wonderful time at my friend's wedding, and went for the strapless black and white number in the end, even though I quickly found out that it was a little too big. Dancing in a strapless dress that doesn't quite fit isn't the easiest thing to do!

I also had the chance to pop to the shops and came across these little beauties...that were way comfier than my wedding heels.

Nothing particularly special but they do look cute with leggings and jeans - especially now that summer is on its way - 16C tomorrow - woo! Little things...

I can't wait for summer when I can wear shorts or cute skirts with these. The Other Half always moans that I have inappropriate footwear - he can't really complain about these, can he?

Friday 25 April 2014

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday everyone!

So I decided not to decide on the dress for the wedding and have packed the blue one and the black and white one - as indecisive as ever!

I hope you all have lovely plans for the weekend - enjoy!


Thursday 24 April 2014

Wedding outfit

Hello all you lovely people!

So, this weekend I have a wedding on Anglesey - a friend from my previous job is getting married!

And tonight I've been trawling through my wardrobe trying to find something nice, ahem, decent, to wear. To be honest, I'm not a very dressy person - there's no better feeling than finding a cute dress that I can wear with tights and boots, but I'm just not a frilly dress and heels kind of girl.

However, I had three options. And buying anything new was not an option thanks to the failed survey and paying for our oh so lovely solicitors!

So, dress number one is a black and gold number from Peacocks. A dress I wore a lot of over the Christmas and New Year period as it's a little glitzy and I could wear some cool black tights and gold accessories with it.

But, it's also a tight dress. And as I've put on a bit of weight (oops!) since Christmas, it just doesn't feel quite as nice anymore.

Dress number two is a loose blue dress I bought in Tesco last year for a summer wedding.It was a lovely dress to wear during the heat wave we had and was bright for a change, instead of the usual blacks and greys.

And dress number three is my favourite, and might be the one for this weekend. I bought this dress years ago in Bay Trading (does it still exist?). I needed a fancy dress for a university ball and this seemed to fit the brief.

It makes you feel all girly and pretty and even though I'm not a frilly dress and heels girl really, this one sure does make you feel like a lady - especially when you're dancing and the layers swirl around you. Could this be the winner?

Right, one more trial run with tights and accessories before I have to pack. It's getting late and I need some sleep.

The stresses of buying a house

So I think I mentioned in another post that me and the Other Half recently had an offer accepted on a house - our first house.

Unfortunately, after waiting a couple of months for the mortgage to be accepted (everything takes sooo long), signing a million forms, and getting a date for the survey. We've had to walk away.

It's all over the internet that moving house can be one of the most stressful things you can do, along with getting married and getting divorced. But I though the actual stress came from arranging all the viewings and actually moving - you know, packing everything up and then unpacking all that stuff. How naïve was I?

I'd been very calm for the last few months and trying not to get too excited about the house as we hadn't actually 'bought' it yet. But it's hard not to look at bathroom tiles and kitchen units and picturing yourself living in the house you want.

But the survey didn't go well. We'd seen some damp and a couple of small cracks and family members who are in the building trade had assured us they needed sorting but were not the end of the world. But we missed one vital crack, the important crack.

The surveyor has sent us the report full of expensive recommendations and so that's that - back to square one.

Unfortunately, the prices in our ideal area have flown up over the last few weeks and properties don't even get a chance to go online before they're snapped up. So, we're considering different parts of the city (did I mention I live in Cardiff? So yeah, I live in Cardiff). 

I'm devastated that our 'home' will no longer be ours but also a little excited at the prospect of looking at bigger houses for less money...even if it does mean looking in different areas. You never know, this might be the best thing that's happened to us.

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Pink Owl Cushion

And the randomness continues...

A few weekends ago I went to Ikea - not needing anything, but of course, coming out having bought armfuls of frames, tealights and this awesome cushion cover.

I just love that it's so bright and doesn't go with any of the furniture in our living room - why not ay!

The Other Half was less than enthusiastic about my purchase but I think secretly he likes it now - the two birds look like they've lived there for years.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Custard and White Chocolate Cookies

Ready for some more baking peeps?

I had a bad day in work and so decided that cookies would solve all my problems. And you know what? They did. Well, more or less, I still have too many things to do and am still waiting for the survey to be completed on our new house (Ooh, I should have a post on this shouldn’t I?) but for half an hour I was pretty damn happy.

Ah, the little things in life.

So I trawled through the Good Food website (can you tell by now that this is my go-to website for recipes?) and, ignoring all nutritional information, came across Custard and White Chocolate Cookies – well, I wasn’t going to say no to them now was I? Especially as the description was “A chocolate chip cookie and custard cream in one - super-simple and they'll keep in the biscuit tin for a fortnight” – ha, really? They won’t last more than a few hours in our house!

And this is why...

They’re super simple to make and don’t need many ingredients, although I might put a few extra chunks of chocolate in the mix next time.

And the result? Really delicious custard cream type cookies, as promised. The best cookies I’ve made in a while. Shame I’ve scoffed most of them.

Anyone have any cookie recipes they’d like to share?

Monday 21 April 2014

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone!

And apologies for the lack of posts over the weekend - our internet connection failed on Friday and after a very long phonecall with a certain Richard Branson related internet provider, I'm back online - woop!

So, as an apology for the lack of posts - here's the cutest little bunny rabbit for you...

I hope you've all had a lovely weekend - I had an amazing time with my Dad - watching Welsh rugby, going on a speedboat ride in the Bay and plenty of eating and drinking in between!

Enjoy the last day of freedom before work beckons again - and make sure all those chocolate eggs are gone before tomorrow, or it's bad luck. Or did I just make that up? ;) 

Photo from

Thursday 17 April 2014

Happy Thursday everyone!

I know, I know, it's not Friday, but hopefully most of you have tomorrow off work to enjoy the Easter weekend, which technically makes this a very happy Thursday indeed!
The Other Half is out with work this evening, will be recovering tomorrow and then is off home to West Wales for the weekend. Whilst I plan on having a lazy day tomorrow before my dad comes over for the weekend - plenty of eating, drinking and watching rugby - sould be great fun!
I hope you all have wonderful plans for the weekend. But, if you're one of the few that have to go to work (boo!), here's something to cheer you up - these guys are so talented and I'm very impressed - I hope you will be too!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Cross stitch

Well, you know how I mentioned that I enjoy crafts of all sorts and try a variety of different things? I have one craft that I've been doing for a few months - at first glance it doesn't seem like the coolest craft, but it's so relaxing, something you can do whilst watching television (I hate sitting still so this is ideal!) - and it's the super exciting craft of cross stitch. See, not cool is it?

But I really don't care - it's relaxing, something you can take with you anywhere (I do it on the bus to work, or during my lunch break) and it can last for a long time - as is clear from months of work on this...

The Other Half thinks I'm so boring doing this (I think he's just kidding really...well I hope anyway) but a few of my more craft-minded friends think it's pretty cool - and I agree.


I picked up a kit from Works for under £5 and it sat in a drawer for months. But now that I've started it and I can see progress, slow progress but progress all the same - I'm hooked! I have it on the table by the sofa and I always do a few lines of stitches every night whilst the Other Half watches mind-numbing television. Oh so satisfying. 

Do you fancy giving it a go? It might be the next knitting craze - come on Sarah Jessica Parker, you know you want to!

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Blueberry Lemon Cakes

So, over the weekend I went for walks, chilled out and as I mentioned the other day, I did some baking.

I love baking and making all sorts of puds and desserts but I can be a bit boring. If I find a recipe I like, I'll make it over and over again until I get bored, and won't try anything new. However, I was feeling brave this weekend and decided to have a go at making Blueberry Lemon Cakes with Cheesecake Topping.

Now, this recipe comes under 'Cheesecake' on the Good Food website, however, there is no biscuit base and no cheese - go figure!? However, they're lush!

I'm not a huge fan of blueberries so I swapped these for raspberries - they worked well and melted into a sticky gooey mess in the cakes. Yum!

I used the only muffin tin I have, but as I found out, it wasn't quite deep enough and so, even though my cakes tasted lovely, they didn't look anything like the dainty little things in the Good Food picture. But who cares ay? The Other Half doesn't seem to mind anyway, they've been disappearing slowly this week.

I promise they taste better than they look! 

Right - a glass of milk (I don't drink tea - what - someone from Wales who doesn't like tea?) and a cake, or two, or possibly (quite likely!) three...

The Other Half's time in the kitchen

So, me and the Other Half both enjoy being in the kitchen - I'm more into the puds and baking side of things and he just loves splashing olive oil and soy sauce all over the kitchen walls...really, I'm not always sure if it's worth him treating me to supper if it means me having to clean the kitchen after him! Men ay?

However, last night he decided to cook me a lovely meal - lamb steaks with spicy couscous - and it was lush!

Apologies for the over exposed photo - I just couldn't wait to dive in!
It was a delicious mix of fruits, nuts, harissa paste, mint and chickpeas - and it tasted pretty healthy as well. I think he used this recipe from Good Food - cheap, tasty and not too bad for you either - result. Except that I now end up finding couscous in every corner of the kitchen. How did he manage to get it there...?

Monday 14 April 2014

Pretty plates

Happy Monday everyone - hope you all had a good weekend? 4 day week this week - yay!

I had a wonderful weekend of baking (I'll post about some lemon and raspberry cakes this week) - reading in the garden, eating curry and having brunch with friends - I didn't quite manage the breakfast, lunch and supper out as mentioned on Friday - ah well!

I was pretty good with my spending as well (which is very unlike me!) but I did buy a plate. Yep, you heard. A plate.

So, normally when I go shopping, I come home with a cute top or a cool bag. But occasionally, or actually quite often recently, I come home with a beautiful plate. Yep, I'm a little obsessed with different plates, and my collection is growing.

This is my most recent find (minus the chocolate biscuits I'm afraid!):

Isn't it pretty? Can't you just see yourself eating your toast before work and looking at these cute little birds? Or is that just me?

As different as it might be, I like it. Even though the Other Half does think I'm a bit weird for bringing home random plates.

If you love the plate as much as I do, have a look at Tiger Stores - my new favourite place. They are a website but not a webshop, so hopefully you have a local shop. If you're ever stuck for a gift, this is the place to go. Or even if you just fancy buying a yellow teapot or a rabbit memo holder, you know, as you do.

Saturday 12 April 2014

Saturday Night Pasta

After a day out with the Other Half with a lot of walking and plenty of fresh air, I was starving but in no mood to be spending hours in the kitchen, and was trying not be tempted by the drawer full of takeaway menus.

So, I went to my go-to recipe when I'm feeling like this - Roast tomato, mascarpone and rocket pasta - nice and easy, and really comforting when you just need a bit of stodge.


So if you're looking for a quick but satisfying supper with not a lot of ingredients and not much effort - go for this. 

Enjoy the rest of your weekend people! x

The Impossible

The other day I finally got round to watching The Impossible - the true story of a family during the tsunami in 2004.

Mum lent me the DVD a few months back but I've always put off watching it as I wanted to be "in the mood", knowing full well I'd sob through the whole thing. However, you can't really be in the mood for it. It's sad. Really sad.

I think it's been done really well though, it's moving and sympathetic and gives you a good insight (as much as anyone who wasn't there can imagine!) into what actually happened, and how bad it really was.

This film also has some significance for me - my Other Half's mum is convinced that the Other Half would not be here today if it wasn't for his grandad dying. Let me explain.

In 2004 (before the Other Half and I had met), he set out on a world trip with a friend from Uni. They travelled around Asia for 3 months, planning to stay there for a few more months before flying to Australia to work. However, after a few months of exploring (ahem, drinking and partying more like), he received a devastating phonecall from his sister - their grandad had died. So, he had to make the difficult decision - stay out with his friend and finish the trip of a lifetime, or go home to his family. He chose to go home.

A few weeks later, the Other Half's hostel was on the front page of a national British newspaper, in ruins. 

Now, I don't normally believe in this sort of thing, but you have to admit, that's pretty scary.

And this film really brought it home how lucky he had been to have come home just in time, or who knows what his, or my, future would have looked like.

Anyway, on a lighter note, we both managed to go on an amazing trip together in 2012/13 and it was the best thing we've ever done - I was able to fulfill a lifelong dream, and the Other Half was able to finish the trip he started. We visited Thailand, the Other Half's last stop before coming home on his last trip, and it was good too see all the 'Tsunami Evacuation Route' signs along the beach, even if they were a little scary.

Anyway, if you haven't seen The Impossible yet, grab some tissues and a big box of chocolates - I hear they're good for helping to subside tears...

And if you haven't already heard of them, also check out Gandys Flip Flops - a charity set up by two brothers who lost their parents in the tsunami. They produce flip flops and 10% of their profit goes to support children in need of basic essentials such as shelter, nutrition, medication and education. A great example of something good coming out of something so tragic.

The Impossible trailer from
Thailand photograph from
Tsunami Evacuation Route photograph from

Friday 11 April 2014

Happy Friday!


And so it's almost the weekend - woo! This week has flown by with busy days at work and a lot of forms to fill and questions to answer with regards to out brand spanking new house! Well, at least it will be 'our' house if the survey comes back ok next week - cross fingers!

And as I've cycled to work 4 days this week (come on, I'm not superwoman - cycling on a Monday morning!?) - I think I deserve a chilled weekend with some wine, some baking and some crafting - sounds good?

I might even venture out for some brunch/lunch/dinner - or all three - now wouldn't that be a treat! Ah, I love these glorious nothing days...

Have a good one everyone - go off and "potter and piddle about"! x

Picture from
Video from

Thursday 10 April 2014

Spring has sprung

Spring is finally here after a very long and wet winter. The clocks have just turned as well so I'm just loving these lighter evenings.

Just thought I'd share my pretty vase of flowers with you - they brighten up my morning when I walk into the kitchen and I think the bow (which came with a gift at some point over the years) is a lovely addition. What do you think?


By the way, the vase is an old Yankee-type (a cheaper version!) jar - ideal for flowers.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Beautiful pastels this spring

A few weeks ago I realised that my wardrobe had become very boring and ever so slighlty dark - full of blacks and greys - not good for the beginning of this beautiful spring we're having. 

However, with red hair, I have to be careful of colourful tops and so it can sometimes be a bit of a challenge to find a pretty top which also goes with my wavy red locks.

However, I managed to come across this beauty:

I found this cardi at a bargain price of £18 at Peacocks, and the mannequins also did their job as I teamed it with the suggested turquoise cami:

And voila - a pretty yet simple outfit, paired with skinny jeans and beige pumps - ideal for spring. It's embarrassing how may times I've worn the ensemble already...

Monday 7 April 2014


I love crafts and always have something on the go. Unfortunately I also get bored very easily so I have a few unfinished projects around the house. But, this also means that I tend to try all sorts of things, which I hope to share on this blog.

The other day my little cousin showed me an origami crane he'd made at school and I was super impressed. So, as I do these days - YouTube was my friend. And this was the result of my very first go. I have to say, I'm pretty impressed.

Now, I'm not saying that this crane is a particularly difficult one to master, but the sense of achievement after completing it was great and I now plan on making a few more and sending them out with my Easter cards - sod the chocolate eggs this year - it's paper birds all the way. Well, maybe not for the kids, they'd probably hate me for it. It's either chocolate or a PS3 game these days.

Anyway, if you fancy having a go, check out Tavin’s Origami Instructions - I tried a few but he seemed to have be the clearest. So, if you have a spare five minutes...or maybe ten for your first go...then check it out.

Saturday 5 April 2014

Satchel time

Other things that make me happy? Bags. Most women love shoes but my weakness is a good bag and last week I bought myself a brown satchel - one of those old fashioned school ones, with a twist.

I was in House of Fraser browsing (I've only ever been able to afford to buy one dress there, but I love to swoon over the amazing fabrics and beautiful designs) and as I was looking through Oasis, I came across this bag...

And for £30 it is a bit of a bargain. However, as I'm in the process of buying a house (more on that later), it was £30 I didn't have. And after deliberating in front of the mirror, holding it in my hand, putting it on my shoulder, I hugged it and put it back on the shelf.

Off I toddled down the high street and came to the lifesaver when shopping on a budget, good old Primani. And this is what I found.

For £8 - it made my day. It might not be quite as elegant as the Oasis version but I love it - and it's a tiny bit bigger as well, which means that the novel I always have on me will fit perfectly.

There's nothing like finding a good bag, especially if it's this pretty, and under £10!

Friday 4 April 2014

Learning to embrace the rain

I used to hate the rain – it disrupted my day and ruined my plans. However, recently, I’ve learnt to embrace it. I’m the sort of person who does a million things at once, never stops thinking and worrying and is always on the go – so a spot of rain could easily send me into a frenzy – why did it have to rain today of all days?
But, the other day, I was walking home from work having had an ok day (you know, as “ok” as work gets!) and it started pouring it down – not just a few drops – but the heavens opened. And I smiled.
I’d forgotten my red polka dot brolly at work and there was nothing to do except walk on – and I loved it. I must have looked like a crazy lady smiling to myself, humming a song and enjoying the rain while everyone else was running to shop doorways and trying to catch the next bus – but to me it was magical. I realised, there are some things you can’t control. Sometimes you just can’t do anything. And so I smiled at my realisation – got on with it, and walked home happy.

The aforementioned forgotten red brolly - and who doesn't like a photo of Miss Monroe every once in a while?