Tuesday 23 February 2016

The KonMari Method

I was reading one of my favourite blogs recently and came across a recommendation for this book - The Life-changing Magic of Tidying by Marie Kondo.

I'm definitely a bit of a neat-freak, but I always seem to accumulate a mountain of clutter. The house never really feels all that tidy.

Now, I'm not really in to self-help books, but I thought this might be worth a go. And what a great decision it was. It might be taking me a while with a new baby in tow, but I've already discarded 8 big bags of 'stuff'.

It sounds ridiculously easy, but all you need to do is hold each item and ask 'Does this spark joy?' - and when you ask yourself this, it's surprising what you're willing to get rid of!

This drawer used to be full to bursting...


And KonMari's other invaluable tip? Folding properly.

I know, how much difference can folding actually do? Well, a lot! In a nutshell, everything needs to be made into a square, folded and stood upright so you can see what you have. It's embarrassing how easy and simple her suggestions are! 


And now I looove my wardrobe - I highly recommend having a go!



Friday 19 February 2016


Since the Little One (and all her stuff) came along, our 'average' size home suddenly feels very small. And since we're not in the position to move just yet, we're organising, reshuffling, and discarding.

Unfortunately, this means getting rid of our beloved (but huge!) 'snuggler' chair.

We still need an armchair in the room, but a much smaller one. Unfortunately, I've fallen in love with a chair that is still too big...but I do love it!

I saw this in the Habitat department at Homebase and instantly fell in love. It looks cool, it's so comfy and I can just imagine snuggling up on it and reading a good book.

Ah well, not to be at the moment - let's keep looking...

Snuggler chair

Thursday 11 February 2016

Parenting advice

Make sure your baby naps. But don’t let them sleep too much.

Don’t forget to do tummy time at least once a day. But don’t let your baby be on their tummy too much or it’ll damage their spine.

Remember to look after yourself and get out of the house. Also, make sure your baby has a routine, and do not disturb it.

Skin on skin contact is extremely important. But never rock your baby to sleep, or you’ll still be doing it when they’re 18.

Always put a hat on your baby when you’re outside. But don’t let them get too warm.

Keep your baby clean. But don't give them a bath too often or they'll have dry skin.

Entertain your child with colourful toys. But make sure they're not overstimulated.

Dummies will soothe an upset baby. But dummies will ruin their teeth and affect their speech.

Try to create the best sleeping environment for your baby – making it dark and quiet. Carry on as normal when she’s sleeping, be it hoovering or listening to music.

And the best one ever...sleep when the baby sleeps. Who's ever been able to do this?

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Baby gifts

The sheer amount of stuff.

I always knew that this Little Person in our lives would bring with her a lot of things - a cot bed, a pram, a car seat, a moses basket - but I never realised the amount of things other people would give us.

Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely grateful for everything we received, but I'm just not sure what I'm meant to do with 15 fleece blankets, 42 vests and 31 soft toys...

Before the Little One arrived, whenever a friend or relative had a baby, I made my way to M&S, bought a beautiful soft blanket and a pack of babygros. Never again.

After receiving way too much stuff, I have learnt a valuable lesson. Let the New Mum decide on what she wants or needs. A voucher or gift card is not a thoughtless gift. Chances are, she has already bought too many things as she 'nests' before the birth, and so won't need another blanket, vest or babygro.

Let the New Mum choose how she wants to dress the New Arrival, and allow her the joy of buying impractical but pretty dresses without spending a penny.

Or, if you're not keen on giving a gift card, why not try one of these - just make sure to buy them in a shop that's easy for the New Mum to get to, so she can exchange them if she receives duplicate gifts.

Baby Milestone Cards
Something fun for the New Mum when she's getting used to her new life, and probably not something she's already bought as it's not usually on any baby list.

Handprint and footprint kit
Another fun thing that she might not have bought, but will be something lovely to keep.

A little random, but priceless in those first few weeks when you're trying to remember the last time the Little One had a feed. I use an app by now, but found this really useful when the Other Half was home and we both needed to see the information.

And if you want to get the New Parents something, food, box sets and magazine subscriptions are also great gifts for those first few weeks of parenthood.
