Monday 22 December 2014

Christmas is almost here

Apologies everyone, I've been rather quiet on the blogging front lately.

Between going to north Wales to celebrate Christmas with my family at the beginning of the month, travelling to west Wales to celebrate the Other Half's mum's 70th, being ill with a terrible cold and throat infection and preparing everything for the festivities, it's been pretty hectic.



One more day (well, 7 hours 24 minutes) left in work and then relaaaax. I am so ready this year.

I think I'm ready for Christmas as well. Considering the manic last few weeks I've done pretty well. All the gifts are bought, wrapped and sent. All the cards are written and sent. Turkey is bought. Really, everything else is optional.



I didn't have much time for crafts this year, which is a real shame. But I did love my brown and red theme wrapping, my shop-bought paper snowflake decorations and the black and turquoise glitter nails for my work do - they count as something homemade right?



Anyway, just a few more things to do this week - making salmon mousse tonight, cheesecake tomorrow night and then I'm off work on Wednesday (woo!) so I can make some yummy cheese straws (that probably won't even make it to Christmas day) and chop all the veggies. Oh, and defrost the turkey. Now that would be a disaster.

I hope all you lovely people have lovely plans for the holidays and that you get to where you need to get to without any horror train delay / traffic jam stories.

Have a great time and see you in the New Year. xx


Friday 5 December 2014


When  it comes to bras, I've been a Debenhams girl through and through. I've always thought - buy cheap, buy twice. Even if I do always go to Debenhams when their Blue Cross Sale is on.

However, the other day the wire came out of my favourite black bra and I was stuck. Out shopping in Primark with my mum, I decided to try a few of the bras on there. And I was pleasantly surprised.

I bought a black bra and a pink bra - lacy but nothing fancy - £5 each.

I wasn't sure how they'd cope with being worn every day, and how comfortable they'd be for hours on end. But I have to admit, they're great.

I'm a convert - Primark bras all the way.

Photo of a similar bra on Ebay

Monday 1 December 2014

Dear Santa...

Dear Santa,

For a few years now I haven't really made a list of things I want for Christmas. I put all my efforts into getting everyone around me nice things, and then I leave it too late to find any nice things for myself.

This year will be different.

This year, I would love if any of these were under the tree...

Neal's Yard Remedies - anything that smells of Wild Rose.

A really good novel. As good as this one, but not as big and heavy.

Candles - any kind will do, I go through a million of them.

A good quality pillow. Wow, I'm getting so old.

A Niki Pilkington print, especially this one.

Some Schoko Bons - I've already eaten too many, but I do looove them.

A perfume I haven't tried before.

Now, I'm not saying the Other Half can afford all these (£200 for a pillow!), but it's nice to dream ay? :)

What are you lovely ladies hoping to see under your tree this year?