Thursday 7 August 2014


So, as it seems that our internet provider won't budge with the internet installation date (Me? Annoyed? Nooo...!) I've decided that this little thing called Instagram might be worth looking into.

I've known about Instagram but never really used it. So, in order to try and expand my limited technical knowledge, I though I'd give it a go.

It seems pretty simple, but bear with me if I end up making a few mistakes along the way.

You can keep an eye on my rainonmyeyelashes Instagram on the side here >>

Wish me luck!

Wednesday 6 August 2014

No internet

We've moved in. Yay!
We have no internet. Boo!
Apologies for the lack of posts recently - we moved house over the weekend and it was eventful to say the least. The new house was left in a filthy state, the removal van didn't turn up and the internet that was meant to be connected this week, won't be ready to go until the end of the month. So, all in all, a very fun weekend! ;-)
Ah well, people always say that moving house is one of the most stressful things you'll ever do. I just didn't expect it to be quite this hard.
I shouldn't complain really. This week is a little difficult - stressing out in the mornings trying to find decent clothes for work amidst the piles of bags and boxes, and living on omelettes and pasta as we have no fridge freezer. However, next week I'm off. I'm off for 3 whole weeks and I. Cannot. Wait.
So, more news and more posts in the coming weeks, I hope.

Image from ShutUpImTalking