Tuesday 23 February 2016

The KonMari Method

I was reading one of my favourite blogs recently and came across a recommendation for this book - The Life-changing Magic of Tidying by Marie Kondo.

I'm definitely a bit of a neat-freak, but I always seem to accumulate a mountain of clutter. The house never really feels all that tidy.

Now, I'm not really in to self-help books, but I thought this might be worth a go. And what a great decision it was. It might be taking me a while with a new baby in tow, but I've already discarded 8 big bags of 'stuff'.

It sounds ridiculously easy, but all you need to do is hold each item and ask 'Does this spark joy?' - and when you ask yourself this, it's surprising what you're willing to get rid of!

This drawer used to be full to bursting...


And KonMari's other invaluable tip? Folding properly.

I know, how much difference can folding actually do? Well, a lot! In a nutshell, everything needs to be made into a square, folded and stood upright so you can see what you have. It's embarrassing how easy and simple her suggestions are! 


And now I looove my wardrobe - I highly recommend having a go!



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