Wednesday 10 September 2014

The Happiness Project

Recently, I haven't been feeling at my best. Everything's been annoying me more than it should. I've been feeling very tired. And even though I wouldn't say I'm 'sad' as such, I definitely haven't been 'happy'.

I can hear you all saying now - you've just bought a house! I know, I know.

I think it's a combination of the stresses and strains of the last few months, having 3 weeks off work to unpack and not really having much time for me, and then thinking I have nothing much to look forward to now.

I'm sure you've all had this feeling at some point. I'm certainly not depressed, just feeling a bit blue, and miss my days of waking up and feeling happy.

All this changed last week. I was on my way to meet the Other Half to go see a film, but was a little early, so I popped into the local library for half an hour. A good book always cheers me up. But, as I was on my way to the fiction section, I saw the self-help books from the corner of my eye. I've read a few pages of a couple of books in the past, but I've never really been convinced that they actually work. However, after browsing the shelves for a couple of minutes, I came across Gretchen Rubin's book - The Happiness Project.

After 10 minutes of reading, I was hooked. It. Was. Brilliant.

It wasn't one of those condescending "wake up with a smile on your face and you'll feel better" sort of books, it was Gretchen's funny story of how she became a happier person just by changing a few simple things in her life. She doesn't make out that it's easy, just doable.

She discusses energy, relationships, work, spare time - everything I felt that needed sorting out in my own life. And I already feel better for reading the first couple of chapters - thanks Gretchen!

A few of the best tips I've come across (you might already be doing these things):

  • Let it go. If the Other Half (or anyone) is annoying me, take a second to think - is it really that important he puts the bins out right now?
  • See friends more often. I know this sounds so obvious, but I always seem to put things like this off and love my own company. However, after pushing myself a bit, I've been enjoying these new girly lunches and nights out.
  • What you do every day matters more than what you do once in a while. Make time for a kiss every morning, enjoy the ordinary every day, if you love reading, read every day - that sort of thing.
  • Don't snap or nag - as much. I realised that I was doing this all the time and it didn't accomplish anything. And, most importantly, after snapping at my Other Half - usually for no real reason - I felt awful (and guilty) for the rest of the day. If I just let the little things go and don't nag - I'm much happier that day.
  • If I want it done, I should do it - most of the time. If I want the carpets to look good, but the Other Half isn't bothered - I shouldn't nag the Other Half to do it, I should just do it myself. Within reason of course, he still does his fare share. ;-)

There are loads of tips like this in the book, but I won't bore you with all of them - but I'd definitely recommend you have a read - I'm almost done now and already looking forward to her next book!

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