Friday 9 January 2015

New Year Resolutions

This year, I have ten resolutions I'd like to stick to. Possibly a little ambitious, but we'll see...

1.       Be Siân

So, I’m always Siân, but sometimes I find myself apologising or lying about something I’ve done, purely because I’m a little embarrassed by it. What’s wrong with wearing an unflattering (but oh so comfy) big grey jumper whilst doing cross stitch and planning a trip to all the local charity shops? Nothing. I think I’m pretty damn cool.

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2.       Drink less

Right, I’ve tried doing this one before and have always always failed. That glass of white wine after work is just too tempting. However, this year I plan on making a real effort. The Other Half and I have agreed to have a ‘dry January’ to start us off, in the hope we’ll see the benefits and keep it up, or at least cut down on our nights out. I’m thrilled already as on our first alcohol-free weekend we (ahem, I!) painted the kitchen, we (hmmm, he!) put shelves up, we went out and bought several lampshades and other bits and pieces for the house, we had a meal out and went to the cinema. And it all probably cost less, or maybe the same, as a night out in Cardiff.


3.       Watch less TV
I’ve also tried to stick to this one many times before and always fail. As you might remember, I gave this a pretty good go a few months ago and managed to get so much more out of my evenings without TV. However, a nasty cold, along with Christmas, meant I slipped back into the old routine. Get home, change, make food, and watch TV. That’s it. This year I really want to change this.

4.       Stops ‘saving up’ fun activities for the weekend
I’m not sure why I do this, but I do. I have a ridiculously long list of things I want to do - a variety of craft projects, new baking recipes I want to try, and films I want to watch. But, for some reason, I clear my list of things that need doing during the week and hope I have time on the weekend to do what I want to do. It never happens. I end up being too tired, and watch TV all weekend, and am seriously annoyed on Sunday night when I haven’t accomplished anything. I can change this, easily…I hope.

5.       Do less chores
Maybe most of you would’ve put ‘do more chores’ but as mentioned in number 4, I concentrate waaay too much on the things that ‘need’ doing when, in reality, nothing ‘needs’ doing. I need to relax and let things go. The kitchen doesn’t have to be cleaned today. The hoovering can wait another few days. Chill out, you’re turning into your mother! Gasp! ;-)

Career women work longer hours than men

6.       Stop feeling guilty
I do this a lot. And for silly little things. I feel guilty if I leave the house for a few hours on the weekend when the Other Half would like to spend time with me. He could’ve come with me. I feel guilty for not calling home. Mum and dad could’ve called me. I need to relinquish some responsibility so I have a better sense of balance.

7.       Stop procrastinating
I tend to think of all the things I want to do, make a list and then do nothing about it. If I’ve thought of something fun to do or somewhere interesting to go, just do it. Don’t wait around for the ‘perfect’ time to do it. Which leads on to…

8.       It doesn’t have to be perfect.
I have a bad habit of not starting something until I’m well and truly prepared. For example, I had an idea last year to start writing a book that contained all my favourite recipes and craft projects. Nothing fancy, but I thought it might be something any children I might have in the future would like – almost like a food/craft/idea diary. I went out and bought a pretty leather book. And it’s still empty. What’s the point of waiting and waiting for the ‘right time’ – it’s better to do something that’s alright than to not do it at all.

9.       Eat better
A couple of years ago I lost 23 lbs through Weight Watchers. It was a lot of work counting points and getting up early to do some exercise but I was full of energy, looked and felt better. I swore I’d never put any weight back on.  However, I managed to put an impressive 24 lbs back on!
I’m not really that fat but I feel sluggish and lack energy, and never really love what I’m wearing because I could do with losing a few pounds. So, here we go – I’m determined to lose a bit of weight but am being realistic about this – a stone would be good.


10.   Make an effort with my friends
This shouldn’t really require any effort, but being a bit of an introvert I find it difficult to accept invitations. My friends (my lovely ladies!) are great but I let them down quite a bit and don’t show up. I must do better, because every single time I seem them, I go home feeling better than when I got there. I just need to remember that.

So those are my resolutions. Not sure how many I’ll stick to, but it’d be amazing if I could wouldn’t it? Let me know what you’re promising for 2015.

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