Friday 16 January 2015

Friday Night Meatballs

Recently I read about Friday Night Meatballs. A craze started by a woman from Philadelphia last year, and I love the idea.

Last year she sent an invite to all her Facebook friends, saying that every Friday night, she and her husband would prepare a meal and that they were all (up to ten people!) invited. All they had to do was let the hosts know by Thursday night if they could make it and show up with either wine, dessert or a side. Simple but brilliant.

It feels like we've lost the art of entertaining. Everything seems to have to be perfect and that puts a lot of people off the idea of hosting.

Don't get me wrong I looove preparing for a shindig at ours, and tend to go all out...

...but it shouldn't have to be this perfect every time.

What's wrong with inviting people over for something as simple (but delicious!) as spaghetti and meatballs, no grand table displays, no gift bags, possibly not even a super clean house? All that matters is that people get together, get to know each other and enjoy their Friday nights together.

I'm not sure how the Other Half would feel about me inviting people over every Friday night as it's his favourite time of the week - come home, TV, beer and pizza.

There's nothing wrong with that, and I really would hate to disrupt his tradition as he enjoys it so much, but maybe I could introduce it once a month, and see how it goes?

It sounds so ridiculously simple, but I love it. Simple. Cheap. Effective. Have any of you started anything similar?

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