Monday 12 January 2015

25 random things

Recently I came across an article that mentioned the 25 facts craze that was around a few years ago.

I completely missed it and so thought, as it's a brand spanking New Year, I'd give it a go now. It was waaay harder than I thought it'd be. So, here goes...

1. I love collecting pretty rocks on the beach and now I have a LOT. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with all of them, but I'm just drawn to them everywhere I go.
2. I hate talking with people on the phone, and find it very tiresome. Sorry mum and dad!
3. I absolutely love watching fireworks and will stand in the good old British weather for hours to enjoy them.
4. I read every single page in a book, from the dedication at the front, to the thank yous at the back. I have no idea why, I just do.

5. I love candles and go through a million (maybe not quite!) of them a year. There's nothing better than coming home, putting the heating on and lighting a few candles. Relax.
6. I wish my brother lived round the corner. Not in Sydney. Boo!
7. I don't know exactly how much I earn (not much!), but love that I don't really know. There are more important things in life than money.
8. I need a lot of time to myself or I can go a teeny bit crazy.
9. I also love the thought of spending the whole weekend on my own, until about 3pm on the Saturday, and then I crave some company and can feel extremely lonely and sad.
10. I try to do some sort of craft project every day. This can be anything from folding a quick origami crane to doing a full blown string art project. It's more likely to be the first option if I'm honest.

11. My full time job is translating from English to Welsh. I enjoy my job and never really dread the thought of going to work BUT I'd absolutely love to have a job that involved and element of creativity.
12. I write a ridiculous amount of lists and sometimes need a list for my lists. Please tell me I'm not the only one?
13. I cycle to work at least three times a week, depending on the weather. I love the freedom, but sometimes also love the bus (did I just say that?) so I can have half an hour to myself to read before work.
14. I go home to North Wales around six times a year, but wish I had the time to go more often. Damn you A470!

15. I, despite being a woman, find it impossible to multitask. Don't expect an answer when I'm cooking, watching television, reading...
16. I've been with the Other Half for over six years, and we met through He hates to admit this, but I really don't care - we're still together!
17. If I'm nervous, I play with my ear or earring. The Other Half always comments on this little quirk of mine.
18. I've written a diary every day since I was 9, which means I have 18 diaries. Woo, I feel old.
19. A surprising amount of people call me 'Welshi', because I'm just so damn Welsh.
20. I am the clumsiest person in the world and always have at least a couple of bruises on me and have no idea where they've come from. My latest was a big black smudge on my arm - a lovely addition to my pretty Christmas dresses.
21. I'm obsessed with yellow. The only rooms in the house which have been (half!) decorated are yellow based. Our bedroom has yellow curtains, lampshade, cushion and throw, and I've just painted the kitchen a bright shade of yellow. I love it.

22. My favourite book ever is Captain Corelli's Mandolin by Louis de Bernières.
23. I wear pants over my tights - no, not to be like Superman, but to keep my tights from sliding down and being uncomfortable. Surely I'm not the only one that does this?

24. I treat my 'Notes' app as a 'fun' app that I check as often as Facebook or Instagram - I just love ticking things off my list...

25. If I could have one skill that I'm amazing at, I'd love to be able to draw.

So, do you feel like you know me better? Or maybe I've just managed to freak you out by how random I can be at times? Either way, this was fun!

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