Monday 2 June 2014


Oh how I've wasted many hours on my week off. Hours watching the Lost boxsets. And how I don't regret a single cliffhanging episode.

It's taken me a while to get round to actually watching it, and so when I saw the first season in the local DVD shop for 99p - well, it'd be silly not to give it a go, wouldn't it?

And now I'm well and truly hooked and spend many an evening in Kate, Jack, John, Hurley, Claire, Charlie, Jin, Sun, Sayid and everyone else's company. (The cast is pretty huge, but it's suprising how quickly you remember their names!)

If you've never watched it. Do it. Now.

It's basically about a group (a big group!) of people who crash onto an island and do their best to survive. But that's not all. Things become very strange indeed.

I won't go on about the plot as I think you can easily ruin it. It's definitely not what I had in mind, but I think that's probably a good thing.

I'm nearing the end of Season 2 already, and have managed to find Season 3 and 4 for under £10, so I'll definitely be watching a few episodes every evening for the next few weeks.

Anyone else as hooked as I am? Or was addicted when it came out the first time?

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