Monday 4 January 2016

New Year Resolutions

Happy New Year everyone!

We've had an eventful 2015 here in Cardiff - we went to Thailand, we got engaged and we had a baby! Amazing!

Last year, I made 10 resolutions. Today, I thought I would have a look back to see if I managed to stick to them, and what my resolutions will be this year.

So, my 10 resolutions were:

1. Be Sian

I'm really unsure whether I've managed this year, as it's been a very different year. Being pregnant meant that I was unwell or extremely tired for most of the year, and then, since the Little One arrived, I've been even more tired. I'm still Sian, but I'm also Mummy now. I want to embrace this new role in 2016, but also still 'be me' and be there for the Other Half as well - he's just as important.

2. Drink less

Well, this one was pretty easy due to the human being growing inside me! But I have to admit, even though I can't really go out binge drinking any more, that cheeky glass of wine at the end of the day has become even more of a habit since having a baby - it's too tempting when I'm home all day on my own. However, new year, new me - let's do this! 

3. Watch less TV

I definitely didn't stick to this. In fact, I think I probably watched more TV this year than I've ever done before, again, due to being pregnant and then having a tiny screaming person in the house. TV is a good escape, and something you can do with minimal effort, one handed, with a tiny person sleeping on you. However, I really hope to use my time better this year, after getting into a routine with the Little One - I can still read, blog and do certain crafts while she sleeps on me.

4. Stop 'saving up' activities for the weekend

I really tried with this one, but didn't manage it unfortunately. I really wanted to look forward to my evening, not just the weekends. These days, I have no weekends. I have no idea what day of the week it is most of the time. Problem solved!

5. Do less chores

This one I stuck to. The Other Half helped out more when I was pregnant and it was so nice having him help around the house. Unfortunately, now that I'm home all the time, the chores have started being left to me again. However, I don't really have the time for them any more between feeding and nappy changing. I think this year I should concentrate on my Little One - I don't want to miss a smile or a laugh because I'm cleaning the bathroom.

6. Stop feeling guilty

I don't think I'll ever manage this one, it's in my nature. I tried letting my parents call me but it led to me not speaking to them for weeks and them being annoyed that I hadn't been in touch. Just not worth the hassle. I do feel less guilty now with a baby, as I have a great excuse (!), but I still feel guilty about minor, insignificant things, pretty often. I really need to try to get to grips with this, but I'm not holding my breath.

7. Stop procrastinating

I didn't really stick to this one either. I came up with ideas, wrote them down, but never got round to them. I must do better this year, especially as I'll be at home more. I want to get things done.

8. It doesn't have to be perfect

This relates to the previous point. I plan and plan, and then never get round to doing anything because the time isn't quite right. What am I waiting for? Just do it.

9. Eat better

I managed to lose around 20lbs last year, just before I went to Thailand. I looked and felt great and I was full of energy, then I got pregnant. I'm the heaviest I've ever been at the moment, but that's fine - I grew a human being - I rock! Mind you, as awesome as I think I am, I do need to eat better. Being at home all the time means that it's too easy to have a big fattening lunch, or snack on chocolate all day. I'm in no major rush to lose all my baby weight, but it'd be nice to lose a few pounds and feel better.

10. Make an effort with my friends

I failed with this one last year, mainly as I was pregnant and usually knackered or ill. However, surprisingly, having a baby has made me very very sociable, and I love it! I've been to a few classes and coffee mornings and met up with quite a few mums from work - it's been lovely getting out of the house and chatting with someone who's in the same position as I am. I definitely plan on keeping this up in 2016.

All in all, not bad I'd say. Being pregnant made some of the resolutions difficult, but helped with others.

This year I'd like to:

1. Appreciate every moment with the Little One.

2. Save up for our next home.

3. Let the little things go. 

4. Make time for me.

5. Make time for us, as in, me and the Other Half.

Let me know what your resolutions are for this year! x

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