Tuesday 16 June 2015

Big News...

Apologies for the lack of posts, once again - this is becoming a bad habit, isn't it?

But today, I'm here to share some wonderfully beautiful and exciting news...we're having a baby! And this little bundle of joy should be with us by November.

It might sound awful saying this now, but I've always been unsure about starting a family. The responsibility. The pressures. The sleepless nights.

What if I want to sit and read all day? Or go to Paris for the weekend? Or go to Glastonbury?

Well, all that has changed, and I'm beyond excited. The Other Half and I have been together for almost seven years, and as he's nearly six years older than I am, has always been a little broody. Whereas, I certainly have not. Don't get me wrong, I looove playing with other people's kids, and am a pretty good entertainer, but having a child of my own? Wow, that's something else.

We started talking a bit more seriously about it last summer and by New Year 2014/15 we were sure that 2015 would be the year. We went to Thailand and theeeen, I was pregnant. I'm now in my 17th week and getting a pretty decent sized bump.

Life has already changed quite a bit for me. Thankfully, I'm over the major bouts of sickness and headaches, and even though I'm still pretty tired, I'm starting to feel a little bit more like 'me'. Well, except for the sleepless nights, the back ache, the lack of appetite, the ever growing bump and a million other little side effects that no one ever tells you about.

All those side effects aside, I'm enjoying being pregnant. The Other Half says I look 'glowing' at the moment and the bump is changing from being a 'fat belly' to a 'pregnant belly' - the other day, I was actually offered a seat on the bus because of it. Oh yeah!

I'd really love to get more into this blog from now on, and even more so when I'm on maternity leave, but who knows how things will go. I'll just have to wait and see.

Bus sign

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